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Community management

Did you know that

42% of the world's population are active users of social networks
Facebook has 2.17 billion users of which 88% via mobile.

Tanit Web, your community management agency

More than for any other sector of activity, the media (newspapers, radios, TV channels, ezines ...) must master their digital communication. Our goal is simple:

  • Develop your community
  • Improve your commitment rate
  • Manage your reputation
  • Improve traffic your site via social networks

Tanit web brings you its expertise and accompanies you in the management of your Facebook page. For this, we control all aspects of your communication on social networks and implement a digital strategy cleverly studied.

Professionals at your service

Managing your community
on social networks can not be improvised

A team of digital communication professionals will take charge of your communication on social networks. more used by your communities.

A support

at all levels

We define your communication objectives

We will define together the best strategy according to the typology of your customers, prospects and partners in order to create strong communities around your brand.

We design
your strategy

We define your editorial strategy that will guide the day to day Community Manager in his communication

We animate
your community

We manage your community, animate your pages on a daily basis: Ensure dialogue with your fans; answer questions, comments and manage Bad Buzz

We recruit and
retain your fans

We recruit and retain your fans with interesting editorial content and quality exchanges

Get in touch with us

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